Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fun from Visací Zámek, the granddaddies of Czech punk. Should be compulsory viewing and listening for the legions of soapdodging Exploited fans who plague rock festivals in this country

Holinky nosil vždycky naruby
Kohoutí hnát si zapích do huby
Teplej rum pil i když potom blil
Co hořelo to vyhulil
Myslel si že je to známka punku

Ale holky říkaly
Že punk je jinde
Ale holky říkaly
To snad není možný

Přeplněnej autobus nechával vždycky ujet
Kytky v jeho zahradě mohly volně bujet
Uznaval jen kapely co neuměly hrát
Kolem krku nosil umělohmotnej drát
Myslel že je to známka punku

Ale holky říkaly
Že punk je jinde
Ale holky říkaly
To snad není možný

No ale kdo není
Boží nadělení
Nedělejme z punka tupce
No ale kdo není
Boží nadělení
Každé zboží má svého kupce

Křivák nosila vždycky naruby
Rtěnku si nanášela rovnou na zuby
Smála se jenom smutným věcem
Hrála v kapele s Jardou Švecem
Myslela že je to známka punku

Ale lidi říkali
Že punk je jinde
Ale lidi říkali
No to snad není možný

He always wore his wellies inside out
He stuffed a rooster's claw in his mouth
He drank warm rum even though it made him puke
Anything that burned, he'd smoke it
He thought it was a sign of being a punk

But the girls said
That punk was somewhere else
But the girls said
Oh, surely not!

He always let the overcrowded bus go without him
He left the flowers in his garden overgrown
He only acknowledged bands that couldn't play
He wore a plastic wire round his neck
He thought is was a sign of being a punk

But the girls said
That punk was somewhere else
But the girls said
Oh, surely not!

But aren't we all
God's feeble creatures?
Let's not make fools of punks
But aren't we all
God's feeble creatures?
Every product has its buyer

She always wore her leather jacket inside out
She smudged her lipstick straight onto her teeth
She only laughed at misfortune
She played in a band with Jarda
She thought it was a sign of being a punk

But people said
That punk was somewhere else
But people said
Oh, surely not!

* Jarda Švec is apparently a background figure on the Prague music scene, involved in putting on punk and metal gigs


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